

Degrees and Certifications:


Hard to believe that it's halfway through the year. We've started the third marking period, and the class is doing great. Spring is around the corner, and hopefully it will be getting warmer (Sorry you snow lovers). Please check the weather each day to see if you need a heavier coat before coming to school.

One thing to remember coming up. Wednesday, February 28th is an in-service day for teachers. There is an early dismissal that day. 

Report Cards/Grading

Standards-based assessment and reporting helps teachers specifically target instruction to meet student needs and provides parents/guardians with better feedback about student strengths and weaknesses.  


“4” – EXCEEDING STANDARDS – indicates that a  student consistently and independently performs at a level above what is expected. The  student is beginning to grasp and apply key concepts, processes, and skills. for mastery.  The student extends and applies knowledge beyond the targeted goal.  A “4” is difficult to obtain and indicates unusually high achievement.

“3” – MEETING STANDARDS – indicates that a student has proficient understanding and is meeting grade level standards by consistently grasping and applying key concepts, processes, and skills.  A “3” is something to celebrate!

 “2” – APPROACHING STANDARDS – indicates that a student has basic understanding and partially meets grade level standards.  The student may need extra time or help to understand key concepts, processes, and skills.

“1” – NEEDS SUPPORT – indicates that a student has minimal understanding and is not meeting grade level standards.  The student will need interventions to grasp key concepts, processes, and essential skills.

Genesis Parent Portal