• Welcome to the Art Room with Mr. Ryan

    I am one of three art teachers at Wall Intermediate School. 

    I teach 7th Grade Art, 3D Art, and am the advisor for National Junior Art Honor Society and Stage Crew. 

    My extra help days are Monday.


    In 7th Grade Art we will cover a variety of materials, mediums and artists to expand artistic exploration.


    In 3D Art we will explore three-dimensional art creation in clay and other sculptural mediums.


    Major Assessments 50%

    • Major Assessments are graded using a rubric on a 100-point scale. Rubrics are explained and given to the students at the beginning of each assessment and available in Google Classroom and in the assignment in Genesis. 
    • Grading criteria always include, but is not limited to: mastery of a skill, time-on-task (use of work time), craftsmanship (neatness), and creativity.
    • Directions for each project are included in each project book/packet.
    • Incomplete major assessments are not accepted/all work must be completed. 


    Minor Assessments 30% 

    • Over the course of the art rotation there may be vocabulary, technique, and safety quizzes, which will act as minor assessments and help to show an understanding of materials and techniques.
    • Additional long-term assignments which will extend the learning of the class will count as a minor assessment.


    Learning Habits 20%

    • Homework assignments count towards your learning habits grade and need to be brought to class when due. Without homework in hand, you will not be able to move forward with the project in a timely fashion. Homework may be physically turned in or shared with the teacher on Google drive/ through Google Classroom.
    • Class work (project packets and sketches), ability to follow directions, and major project deadlines are considered a part of your learning habits grade. 



    • Lateness impacts different types of assignments differently. Major Assessments have a deadline component to their rubric, where late classwork and homework may result in loss of points depending on the number of days the item is late. 
    • Students who are absent will have additional time depending on the assignment.




Degrees and Certifications: