• Course Title: US History I 

    Course Description: This class is an in-depth study of the time period in U.S. History from Pre-Revolutionary America to 1870. Students will discuss the thirteen colonies, the role of independence from Great Britain, American Revolution, Constitution, the Early National period, the issue on slavery including the Civil War and Reconstruction. Political, economic and social aspects of the era are included as topics for discussion. Additional outside readings and research papers are integral components of the course.

    Unit 1 The Revolution

    The French & Indian War

    Causes of the Revolution

    Declaration of Independence

    The Revolutionary War

    American Win the Revolution

    Unit 2 The Constitution

    The Articles of Confederation

    The Constitutional Convention

    Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists

    Understanding the Constitution

    Unit 3 The New Nation

    George Washington Becomes the First President 

    Hamilton’s Plan

    John Adams becomes the Second President 

    Political Parties Emerge

    Thomas Jefferson becomes the Third President 

    Louisiana Purchase

    Jefferson’s policies

    Marbury v. Madison

    McCulloch v. Maryland

    James Madison’s War of 1812

    Foreign & Domestic Policies

    Monroe Doctrine

    Unit 4 Expansion (1801-1832)

    Jacksonian Democracy

    The Election of 1824

    The Election of 1828

    Trail of Tears

    Nullification Crisis

    Unit 5 Expansion(1832-1861)

    Westward Expansion

    Manifest Destiny

    Texas-Mexican War

    Gold Rush

    Unit 6 Reform Movements (1801–1861)

    The Second Great Awakening

    Public Education Reform

    Social Reform Movements

    The Abolition Movement

    Women’s Reform Movement

    The Beginning of the Industrial Revolution

    Differences between the North & South

    The Missouri Compromise

    Unit 7 Civil War (1850–1865)

    Compromise of 1850

    Kansas-Nebraska Act

    The Abolition Movement

    Women’s Reform Movement

    Compromise of 1850

    Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Birth Of the Republican Party

    Dred Scott Decision

    Lincoln & Douglas Debate

    Harper’s Ferry

    Election of 1860

    The Collapse of the Union

    Key Battles

    Emancipation Proclamation

    Gettysburg Address

    Unit 8 Reconstruction (1865-1877)

    13th, 14th, 15th Amendments

    Southern Economy After the War

    Reconstruction Plan

    Johnson’s Impeachment

    New opportunities for freed people, women & children

    The Impact of Reconstruction