• Course Descriptions


    Media Communications - 8th Grade Semester Elective

    Media Communications is designed to introduce the areas of digital media in communications through graphic design and video. Students will utilize graphic design and video editing software to learn photography, graphic design, video production and video editing.  

    Pre-Engineering & Architecture - 8th Grade Semester Elective

    Students will develop technical drawing, computer-aided design and drafting (CADD), design and computational thinking skills in this hands-on elective course. The history of our human designed world will be explored and evaluated to reflect how innovation has developed over time and impacts our modern world. Through the engineering design process, students will have the opportunity to apply critical thinking, science, technology, and math skills to develop solutions and prototypes to authentic problems. 

    Technology Workshop - 7th Grade Semester Elective

    The Technology Workshop immerses students in coursework that integrates design and computational thinking principles through project-based learning. Local and global issues will be explored to allow students to engage critical and creative thinking skills to problem solve and develop applied science, technology, engineering, and mathematical solutions. Applications include coding, graphic design, 3D modeling, and prototyping.