Option II

  • The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) recognizes and acknowledges that all students will not achieve New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS) in the same manner and/or with the same level of success. The Wall Township School District is permitted to allow students with individualized learning opportunities outside of the traditional classroom that are stimulating and challenging and that enable students to meet or exceed the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS). Students are permitted to earn credit toward graduation through Option II experiences. These experiences include but are not limited to: course remediation/acceleration, early college credit, online learning, work-based programs, school based programs, and internships. Participation in Option II is predicated on the application process through which students seek approval. Attainment of credit toward graduation is based on the successful completion of assessments that verify student achievement in meeting or exceeding the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS) at the high school level.

    Students planning to pursue coursework for credit in addition to the traditional offerings at Wall High School are required to submit a completed application to the Principal’s Option II Review Committee. This committee will be comprised of the High School Principal, Director of School Counseling, Department Supervisor, and a designated School Counselor. If the course is to be taken during the summer, the application must be completed by May 31st and all course requirements must be completed and submitted to the Director of School Counseling no later than August 15th. Deadlines for submission are August 1st for Fall Semester coursework; January 1st for Spring Semester coursework. The Principal’s Option II Review Committee will review each application to determine eligibility and grant approval/disapproval based on the criteria outlined. Each student’s application will be reviewed on its own merit. The committee will ensure that each student is on track to fulfill graduation requirements.

    The Option II deadline for 2024-25 school year applications is August 1, 2024. No late applications will be accepted. Any questions or concerns should be directed to the Director of School Counseling.

    Learn more about our options below. Click on the appropriate link to begin your application.

  • Option II- Credit Recovery, Course Acceleration, College Credit, or Internships

  • Option II- Health & Physical Education