• 3D Art 

    An introduction to three dimensional mediums in art, specifically clay, with opportunity to grow and develop artistic understanding in form, relief, and sculptural creation. 

    Unit 1: Intro to 3D (Basic Building Blocks)

    Visual Art Practices: 

    Developing a respect for tools and materials:

    In developing an understanding of the classroom environment and rules and through better understanding technique and process, students learn to better respect and care for the tools and materials, allowing them to better work collaboratively, take risks, and assess their process of working.

    Developing Craftsmanship:

    In developing an understanding of materials and working over time, students will be able to better develop craftsmanship in their work and working habits. Through working to critique their work, the work of others, and that of master artists, students will better understand what well crafted objects look like. Through working with materials over time, students will develop a better sense of that craft. 

    Understanding and interpreting artists' work:

    Using art history as an inroad into lessons, students will work to better understand and interpret the work of other artists, which will act not only as a way to give inspiration and help students to better understand the projects at hand, but also to develop craftsmanship and work to critique. 

    Critique methodologies:

    Students will utilize critique in the work of master artists, which will help them to critique their own work and the work of their peers. Through self reflection exercises, students will better hone their own self-reflection strategies.