• Physical Education Overview

    Physical education will provide students with the tools needed to live a healthy active lifestyle. Various styles of physical
    fitness and activities will enable students to manage and assess their own levels of health and fitness. Teamwork and sportsmanship will be instilled
    to foster positive social interactions built to carry on for lifetime success.

    Medically Excused Information:

    If you are medically excused from Physical Education for 21 or more consecutive days you will be responsible for completing a P.E Sports Packet.  If you miss one activity during a marking period you will be responsible for completing one packet. If you miss both activities during the marking period you will be responsible for completing two activity packets. The grade you earn on this packet will serve as your grade for the marking period, so ensure the entire packet(s) is completed to the best of your ability before handing it into your base teacher. If you need to obtain a packet please speak with your base teacher.

    Health Education Overview

    To gain an understanding of a variety of health topics centered around healthy relationships, interpersonal skills,
    finding valid and reliable sources of health information, and self-advocacy.