Special Services

  • Welcome! The Wall Township Public Schools' Special Services Department is proud to provide an array of services to students and their families. Special Education is an integral part of the educational system in Wall. We provide specialized programs and related services individualized to student needs. We are proud to provide an appropriate education for students with disabilities, in the least restrictive environment, that will enable them to reach their potential. Class placements for students with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) include preschool disabled, integrated preschool (general education placement), general education classes with specialized support, in-class and pull-out resource programs, and special class programs for students with more significant needs.
    The Child Study Team (CST) is comprised of the following members:

    • Learning Disability Teacher Consultants (LDT-C)
    • School Social Workers
    • School Psychologists
    • Related Services Providers

    In addition to observing and evaluating students, the team members work closely with teachers and parents to develop an IEP for each classified student. They monitor the progress of students and consult with parents, teachers, outside providers, and school administrators. Related services such as speech/language therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, counseling, and behavioral consultation are provided depending upon the individual needs of the students. All teachers in our district differentiate instruction to meet the needs of students in their classes. Our trained paraprofessionals work under the direction of our teachers to provide support in classrooms and work with individual students, per their IEPs. The Special Services Department believes that parents are an essential part of the education process and values their input and expertise about their child. It is truly a team approach!

    If you have concerns about your child or want specific information about the referral process, please feel free to reach out to our department at 732.556.2572. We are happy to help. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1. How do I refer my child to the Child Study Team?

    Posted by:

    Write a letter to the Assistant Superintendent of Special Services, Mrs. Kelly Bond, include a brief description explaining why you are requesting a CST evaluation and include a live signature. Email referrals are not accepted as per Board policy. Please fax the letter to 732.556.2628 or mail it to:

    Wall Township Special Services 
    1801 Bailey’s Corner Road
    P.O. Box 1199
    Wall, NJ 07719

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  • 2. How long does the evaluation process take?

    Posted by:

    Once the referral is received in the Special Services department, the CST will arrange a meeting with you within 20 days. The purpose of the meeting will be to listen to your concerns and determine if a disability is suspected and if an evaluation is warranted. If an evaluation is agreed upon, the evaluations and an eligibility meeting must be scheduled within 90 days.

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  • 3. Where do I find more information about special education and parental rights?

    Posted by:
    Parental Rights in Special Education (PRISE)

    A revised copy of the procedural safeguards statement, Parental Rights in Special Education (PRISE), is published by the New Jersey Department of Education to meet the requirements of N.J.A.C. 6A:14-2.3(g)7.
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Assistant Superintendent of Special Services

  • Kelly Bond

    Assistant Superintendent of Special Services
    [email protected]

    Department of Special Services
    1801 Bailey’s Corner Road
    P.O. Box 1199
    Wall, NJ 07719