• Course Overview:  This course is organized into eight units designed for students who have demonstrated a strong proficiency in critical reading and thinking, as well as advanced writing skills.  Reading materials include fiction and nonfiction, while writing tasks range from on-demand essays to process writing.  

    Course Format and Grading: 

    Every marking period will cover two units and include six quiz grades and three test grades.

    Tests = 50%

    Quizzes = 30%

    HW/CW = 20% 

    Supplies:  You will need a one-inch 3 ring binder and approximately 60 pages of looseleaf paper.  Dividers are not required, but you may want to use them so you can separate the four marking periods. 

    For daily posts, please select your class below:

    Link to 1B Google Classroom

    Link to 3B Google Classroom

    Unit 1:  Reading Literature

    Unit Purpose: In this unit students will read literature to study plot, characters, conflict, and ultimately, the fictional story the author writes.

    Link to MP1 Syllabus


    Link to MP2 Syllabus