Math Club

  • Mission Statement/Information
    The Math Club works to promote mathematics rigor and relevance within the Wall Township School District while fostering a deeper understanding of mathematics learning among club members. Club members learn about the common core curriculum standards in mathematics throughout all grade levels and work to devise meaningful projects through various committees.

    Club Goals/Objectives
    Pi Day Committee: High School students design various games and activities related to the standards of the intermediate grade in mathematics. The students will then visit Wall Intermediate School and set up a carnival-like math day where students in sixth, seventh, and eighth grade come to the gym and have a blast while practicing math. Some of the tables include Hoola hoop circumference, measuring the ratio of circumference to diameter of cookies and other circular foods, how many jelly beans are in a jar using knowledge of area of a circle.

    Math Club Peer Tutoring Committee: Math club members interested in peer tutoring are paired with high school students that are in need of either short or long-term assistance in math. Students in need of tutoring are identified by their teachers or request help through the math club.

    Technology Committee: Math Club members in the technology committee work on keeping technology updated and current in the math classroom. One aspect of this committee is that all math teachers were given a list of students who were willing to try to fix any broken calculators or technology in their classrooms.
    Math Team: Students will participate in a national math competition sponsored by the NJ mathematics League, where, on selected dates each month, they take a math test that then is submitted to be scored and results are then mailed back to how WHS performed versus all other schools.
    If anybody is interested in joining math club, sign-ups are in C-13 with Mrs. Buttler.   Once you sign up, I will add you to the math club Google classroom where you will find the most up-to-date club information.
    Also if anybody is interested in Math Team, please let Mrs. Buttler know ASAP.   
    You can join any time of the year so its never to late to miss out on math club!

Meeting Information

  • Meeting Location
    C-13 during unit lunch at 10:45
    Meeting Schedule
    September 30, 2022

Club Advisors

  • Advisors: Mrs. Buttler

    • President: Jess Pett and Lily Cohen
    • Vice President:  Matt Armenti
    • Secretary: Ryan Gotsch
    • Treasurer/Public Relations: Chris Miller
    • Math Team Captain: TBD