
    • West Belmar Paving and Site Improvements - Summer of 2024
      • Final design and bid documents in process
      • All existing parking lots and paved areas being reconstructed
      • New parking lot area increasing school parking capacity by 26 spaces
      • Removal of paved areas to create new green space
      • Bids to be solicited in the new year
      • Work to be performed in Summer of 2024
    • Restrooms at All School Buildings - Summer of 2024
      • Final designs under review for approval
      • Project expected to go to bid early in 2024
      • Work to be performed in Summer of 2024
    • Roof Work Phase I District-Wide - Summer 2024
      • Project includes roof upgrades on flat roof areas
      • Bids received on December 14, 2023
      • Contract Award expected early in 2024
      • Work to be performed in Summer of 2024


    • WHS Athletic Fields - Summer of 2024 & 2025
      • Continuing design and layout of Wall High School's athletic complex
      • Inclusive plans for a new running track, bleachers, athletic fields for all sports in both spring and fall seasons, as well as sidewalks and buildings
      • Expected completion of design and layout after the new year
      • Bids to be solicited in the new year, awards in the spring
      • Partial work Summer of 2024 and continuing into Summer of 2025
    • HVAC Work District-Wide - Summer 2024 & Summer 2025
      • Includes boilers, air handling units, chillers, unit ventilators, and control systems upgrades
      • Design work continues with finalized designs expected in the new year
      • Contracts scheduled to be awarded in Spring of 2024
      • Work to be performed in Summer of 2024 and Summer of 2025
    • Interior Renovations (Design Work in Progress)
      • Schools involved: WHS, West Belmar, Intermediate, Old Mill, and Primary
      • Design work under review for functionality and educational application
      • Final designs in the new year
      • Work to be performed in Summer of 2024 and Summer of 2025


    • WHS Shingle Roof - Worked Performed Summer 2023
      • New roof shingles (color: Appalachian sky) installed on all pitched shingle roof areas above A, B, C, and D wings
      • New seamless gutters, downspouts, and snow cleats also installed
    • Allenwood Paving - Work Performed Summer 2023
      • All existing parking lots reconstructed with new asphalt and line striping
      • New parking lot area increasing school parking capacity by 20 spaces
      • Replaced concrete sidewalks at bus drop off and handicap entrance
      • Creation of a new green space in the center alcove and installation of a large patio-style pad in front of the main office
      • Installation of new LED site lighting in parking areas
      • Reconstructing concrete steps and columns at original school’s front entrance (under construction, expected completion February 2024)