Welcome to Mrs. Judge's Website

  • Summer 2024

    Welcome to my website!

    This September marks my 25th year as an English teacher at Wall High School.  For the 2024-2025 school year, I will be teaching the 12 CP course.  More information about the coursework will be coming soon.

    To prepare for the beginning of the school year, please refer to the required supply list and the summer reading assignment below. 

    Have a wonderful summer and I look forward to seeing you in September!

    Email Contact:  [email protected]



    Summer Reading: Click here

    List of Required Supplies:

    • A school-issued Chromebook
    • A Chromebook charger
    • The text we’re studying
    • A pen / pencil
    • A three-ring binder
    • A spiral notebook

    Extra Help: during unit lunch on the first A day of the week in room C9

    Link to Genesis:  click here