

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Camano

Welcome to Mr. Camano's website.


Here are my 2024-2025 courses and their respective supply lists:

English 10CP

  • A school-issued Chromebook

  • A Chromebook charger

  • The text we’re studying

  • A pen / pencil

  • A three-ring binder

  • A spiral notebook

  • A folder


The American Nightmare

  • A school-issued Chromebook

  • A Chromebook charger

  • The text we’re studying

  • A pen / pencil

  • A spiral notebook

  • A folder


Lost Literature

  • A school-issued Chromebook

  • A Chromebook charger

  • The text we’re studying

  • A pen / pencil

  • A spiral notebook

  • A folder


My Extra Help Day = the first A-Day of the week in room A-8 during unit lunch.


Email = [email protected]


Grading Information:

Summative Assessments = 50 %

Formative Assessments = 30 %

Homework/Classwork = 20 %


To access Google Classroom:


My homework Document: Camano Homework Link


Genesis access: Link to Genesis