

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Kristin Ferris

Welcome to ELA!  I am excited about the opportunity to work with students in all grade levels this year, and will work hard to improve skills in all areas of reading and writing for the students in my class. 

This year will be filled with challenging tasks to help each student reach his/her personal ELA goals and prepare for success in school and after graduation. Through daily interaction and collaboration, we will work together towards having a fantastic and successful school year!

Although there are high expectations for your child at WHS, I am committed to assisting your child to achieve his or her goals.  These goals include developing useful reading strategies, improving vocabulary and practicing fundamental skills that will be utilized throughout the remainder of your child's enrollment in school and beyond. 

The format of English 11/12 and Reading classes will be highly structured, while at times providing your child with the flexibility to choose; this is intended to keep your child engaged and interested in learning new material.   

Questions from students are encouraged, as it is important that all students gain an understanding of the material being presented.

One of the most important ways to have a successful year is to keep the lines of communication open.  Positive and productive communication is important for your child’s success, and you can email me at any time.  You are essentially a part of your child's academic success, and if you notice your child struggling, please encourage him or her to ask questions.

Thank you,

Mrs. Ferris