• Welcome to Anatomy & Physiology Honors!

    Course Syllabus

    Materials for the 2022-2023 school year:

    1. 1.5" or larger 3-ring binder with paper and 3 dividers (notes, HW, labs)

    2. Charged Chromebook

    Course Description:

    This course is designed for students who wish to pursue a career in the medical or health-related fields. The focus is human anatomy and physiology beginning with the chemical level and going through the cellular, tissue, organ, and systemic levels of organization. Emphasis is placed on critical thinking in an effort to diagnose and understand the causes of and possible solutions to medical and health problems.

    Grading Policy

    The following categories are used to calculate your overall grade for each marking period:

    • Major assessments 50% (tests, projects)

    • Minor assessments 30% (quizzes, labs)

    • Homework and classwork  20%

    Each marking period is worth 20% of your final grade, a midterm and final exam are each worth 10%

    Seniors with a 91 or better full year average are exempt from the final exam.