• Bonjour! Bienvenue!

    Je m'appelle Mme. Rosen.

    I teach all levels of French at WIS. 

    Contact me via email at [email protected] 

    Extra help: Thursday AM in room 209

    Please check the stream in Google Classroom before arriving to morning extra help. If there is an emergency, and I have to reschedule, I will post the information there. 


    Class Supplies

    Charged Chromebook (School Issued) 

    1 subject notebook/composition book

    Sturdy 2 pocket folder



    Sharpie Marker for labeling items (1st two weeks of school)



    Google Classroom

    For Students

    Please find direct links to our French Google Classrooms. Be sure to check Google Classroom daily for assignments, activities, and announcements.

    French A: https://classroom.google.com/c/NzA5Njg2NDMxMjI4

    French B: https://classroom.google.com/c/NzA5Njg4MTM1MzA2

    French C: https://classroom.google.com/c/Njk1ODY2NjM5ODI1



    40%: Major Assessments 

    40%: Minor Assessments 

    20%: Independent Assessments/Classwork 

    To access Genesis, click on the link below:
