- Wall Intermediate School
- Welcome
Degrees and Certifications:
BA in English/Secondary Education The College of New Jersey
Ms. Shalon Piccuirro
Welcome to ELA 8!
We are off to a great start in ELA 8!
To tell you about myself, I have been a teacher at Wall High School for over 20 years. I am excited to teach at WIS this year.
Parents, I am looking forward to meeting you at our Back-to-School night on 9/24. Email me at any time.
Supplies Needed:
A charged chromebook
Earbuds (with wire)
A 3 subject Five-Star Notebook with folder
A pen/pencil
A positive attitude and a strong work ethic.
My extra help day is Tuesday AM in Room 308.
Please visit Google Classroom for updated assignment information and to submit work.
Check here for up-to-date homework assignments: ELA 8 Homework
Check your grades here: Genesis